Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Artificial / Imitation Jewelry Sourcing Market...

Etins TDC India M) +91 9968010396 Report Nature: Artificial Jewelry Sourcing Report Subject: Artificial Jewelry Requested Date: 30.06.08 Issued Date: 06.07.08 Price: 5000/-INR Client ID: II02 Subscription No:10002 Artificial / Imitation Jewelry Sourcing Market feasibility report â€Å"Indian Fashion Jewellery consumer market is one of the fastest growing in the world is larger than Europe America put together† Fashion Jewelry Market Overview Fashion jewelry is nothing but a replica of jewelry crafted out of materials like ivory, lac, leather and semi precious stones. There are many types of fashion jewelry based on the material used like aluminium jewelry, brass jewelry, lac jewelry, leather jewelry,†¦show more content†¦2. Changing fashion trends and increased consciousness of the consumers has resulted in competition among the major manufacturing nations, and also shifting of the industry to low labor cost countries. 3. Retailing sector has also been affected due to competition from other luxury goods, declining investment in the sector (largely in the developed economies) and increasing consumer sophistication. Future Prospects The future scenarios for the global fashion jewelry industry, based on the recent trends, are that the mining countries will capture a huge share of the polishing sector as well. Substitutes of precious stones such as synthetic diamonds and non-precious metals will replace the precious stones. The plain gold jewelry sales will keep on declining and China and India will emerge as large retail markets. Based on the above trends the projections for growth of jewelry industry are as follows: The growth in sales of the industry as a whole will slow down and the world will notice the emergence of new markets. The global fashion jewelry sales will grow at the rate of 4.6% annually and is estimated to reach US $ 185 billion by 2010 and US $ 230 billion in 2015. China and India together will emerge as equivalent to the US market in 2015. Jewelry fabrication services will also show sluggish demand and will move to new centers. The CAGR of global fashion jewelryShow MoreRelatedExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pages– rapid growth but a questionable future in the music industry. Pharmaceutical Industry – global forces at work in the ethical pharmaceutical industry. TUI – competitive forces in the travel industry. HiFi – how can small players survive changing markets? Amazon (B) – latest developments in a successful Formula One – developing the capabilities for competitive success in a hi-tech industry. Manchester United – clash of expectations in the football world. Salvation Army – strategic challenges

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