Friday, February 28, 2020

Business Ethics - Rights and Obligations (U3DB) Essay

Business Ethics - Rights and Obligations (U3DB) - Essay Example The employer needs to protect his company – the business, and the whole workforce contributing to the life of the company. It is a prerogative of a job applicant to apply in any job because he is the one searching. If he wants to apply to a company, he must be ready to comply with its rules and regulations. The employer evaluates the credentials of an applicant to assess his abilities and skills if he fits to the job description he is applying for. If he gets hired, then the applicant will have to comply with the rules and regulations of the company. The use of drugs means there is a medical condition to cure or needs drug maintenance in order for the user to be productive in spite of the medical condition. The employer claims the right to know about his employee’s use of drugs, not for his personal agendas, but for the company’s welfare to assure that every worker works faithfully and accordingly. This is consistent to the moral philosophy based on consequences given that the employer knows his employee’s condition, he can find a way to support his employee by giving him medical benefits, and even adjust his work schedule that is best for both the company and the employee. Lest the employee conceals his medical condition and its effects affecting his mobility to the point of delaying business transactions, his employer will not hesitate to fire him for being a liability to the company. In conclusion, the philosophy based on consequences is therefore consistent to the statement â€Å"Drug use is information that is rightfully private and only in exceptional cases can an employer claim a right to know about such use.† The employer will base his decisions, either to give or refuse special employee benefits, according to work performance. An employee will not be given consideration despite of his condition if his employer does not have any knowledge of

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Subject is Learning,Training and development. (Human Resource Assignment

Subject is Learning,Training and development. (Human Resource management).You have to answer the question in analytical way - Assignment Example Lastly, the various potential crisis situations or constraints that can arise during this process are also analysed in a comprehensive manner, as well as how a trainer can tackle them in a more effective way. IMPORTANCE OF A SYSTEMATIC TRAINING PROGRAMME Training programmes in an organization are crucial for the developing and improving the skills of the human resource, while at the same time imparting vital information and knowledge to them, which will aid them in the future. It is also related to making the employees capable of implementing that knowledge and information in order to improve the organization productivity as well as effectiveness, and invariably improving the quality of supervision of people (Walton, 1999). Training employees is not only beneficial from the point of view of the organization, but also that of the nation. It will make the organization capable of contributing towards the progress of a country’s human capital, which is one of the most valuable res ources for any society. Not only will the employees succeed in serving the business organization in a more effective way, but will also become assets for the nation in terms of expertise (Armstrong, 2009). Training the employees can also lead to greater returns for the business, as they will now be better-equipped to perform at their optimum levels. Moreover, it will also persuade the training staff to improve their own knowledge in order provide expertise to their other employees. The knowledge that will be required for this training will also increase the quality of the various other services provided by the business – advisory, representation services as well as policy lobbying. Lastly, the business can meet their corporate goals and aims more effectively with better-trained personnel, and can successfully improve their overall image in the corporate sector (Buckley & Caple, 2000). That training programme that an organization decides to implement should be connected to the final outcomes that the organisation strives for. This can also prove to be an essential test of whether a training need exists for the human resource or not. Moreover, it is absolutely necessary to note that not all administrative problems or prospects will require training as a solution. It has to be evidently recognized that the specific organisational shortage or deficit can easily be resolved by a prepared training event (Tulip, 2003). COMPONENTS OF A SYSTEMATIC TRAINING PROGRAMME Training is a component of the business’s overall planning process in search of corporate goals. The firm has a training tactic which notifies the approach to employee development. Moreover, in systematic training, managerial abilities are intended for and established using a mixture of formal training, planned experience as well as coaching. There is an unbroken rotation of training analysis, evaluation as well as activity (Dunphy & Stace, 1993). The systematic training process can be summari sed as follows: 1. Recognize and describe organizational difficulties/prospects related to industry/service strategy that can be resolved by training. 2. Investigate the information/skill essential 3. Examine the learning mandatory – what information/skills are to be acquired for full expertise 4. Formulate the learning objectives for the training programme 5. Design the training process by selecting methods as well as determining the content and